
Climbing and mountaineering

Rough peaks and rock faces provide perfect climbing conditions

Perfect terrain for climbing and mountaineering, that's what the Val Pusteria and the Alta Val Pusteria in East Tyrol provide. Climbing in the Dolomites is the dream of all alpinists, as there are numerous famous peaks and the landscape is of utmost beauty. Once you reach the summit your efforts are rewarded by a fascinating view and the unique feeling of having conquered the mountain.

Particularly popular destinations are the Sesto Dolomites and the Lienz Dolomites. Mountain huts, high-altitude paths, round tours or easy walks, the excursion destinations are almost endless. For exercising, or in winter months, we recommend you to visit the Climbing centre Sesto, a great experience is also an afternoon in the adventure parc Kronaction in Issengo.

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  1. Klettergarten

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  2. Kletterhalle Toblach

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Falkensteiner Hotel Sonnenparadies
    Falkensteiner Hotel Sonnenparadies

    Falkensteiner Hotel Sonnenparadies

Tips and more infos