RS schwimmen hund
RS schwimmen hund

Swimming with dogs

The natural treasure Lago di Anterselva can be discovered also with your dog

During the hot summer months, a jump into cool water can be a pleasure also for your four-legged friend. But where is this possible in the beautiful Val Pusteria valley? The visit to public swimming pools is not allowed for dogs. But there is one lake, where your dog can take a swim: Lago di Anterselva, a paradise not only for two-legged holiday makers.

A beautiful walking path leads around the lake. Of course also here your dog has to be kept on a lead and you have to collect the excrements of your companion. And respect has top priority: if your dog doesn’t annoy other walkers or bathers, you and your four-legged friend are more than welcome.

Municipality rules can change currently. Please inform yourself once again before your arrival resp. booking.

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