DSC Rieserfernerhuette
DSC Rieserfernerhuette

Hike from Anterselva to the Vedrette di Ries Mountain Hut

This high-alpine-hike leads to the Vedrette di Ries Mountain Hut (Rieserferner Hütte), which is surrounded by several peaks higher than 3000 m

On a warm summer day we hike from Anterselva di Mezzo to the mountain hut Rifugio Vedrette di Ries (2,792 m). Plan at least four hours for one way. Due to the high altitude of the path (2,100 m) and the lack of trees in that area, we have to start at dawn.

We pass the waterfall Klammbach and the alp Malga Berger and proceed uphill in a forest. Afterwards we follow the trail signs of the path n. 3 and continue to walk along a steep slope. Once we have overpassed the last trees, we are embraced by a stunning view on the valley Valle di Anterselva, the Dolomites in the South and some summits, such as the Schwarze Wand and the Monte Magro.

Before reaching the bivouac Rieserferner we have to cross a stream twice and continue to walk for further 50 minutes without being able to recognise the Vedrette di Ries Mountain Hut. After a short time we have to face some wooden and stone stairs with a steel rope on one side. At first we are delighted not to have to walk on slippery stones anymore, but after a few instants our delight vanishes as we realise how hard it is to climb more than 800 steps only to see the Vedrette di Ries Mountain Hut, once arrived at the top. Don't underestimate the last stretch of this hiking adventure! On the Gemsbichljoch we have the pleasure to admire a small snowfield whose melting snow has created a small lake. The path above it leads us to the Vedrette di Ries Mountain Hut where a fresh wind whips around us as we enter the Hut to have a delicious lunch. Take the same path to return to Anterselva.

PS: it is possible to reach the Vedrette di Ries Mountain Hut also from Anterselva di Sopra or Riva di Tures in about four hours. Two of the most spectacular hiking destinations in the vicinity of the Vedrette di Ries Mountain Hut are Monte Magro (3,273 m) and Monte Nevoso (3,358 m).

Author: AD

If you want to do this tour, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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