Weekly weather forecast - municipality of S. Lorenzo di Sebato
morning | afternoon | evening |
Overcast with sleet
Wind (km/h): 11 SSW
Humidity: 79%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Irregular clouds with snowfall
Wind (km/h): 30 SW
Humidity: 84%
Snow limit: N/A
San Lorenzo is characterised by a lovely…
Floronzo is located at the foot of a little…
A little distance from Palù, there is the…
The village of Castelbadia is one of the…
A remarkable archaeological site is located…
Santo Stefano is located in close vicinity…
The Maria Sares pilgrimage church represents the…
The S. Margareta church is the centre of…
Oines is located in the south of Mantana, on a…
Elle is located at a mountain slope at 1,360 m…